Sunday, 21 July 2013

Beautiful Summer Meadow.

Went over to the Stang and Reeth then on to Leyburn yesterday.  Could not believe how quiet it was, very few birds or butterflies.  Flowers too seem few and far between along the verges but we were amazed when we came across this meadow by a stream in one of the villages between Leyburn and Bedale.  It was amazing and a pleasure to see.  Why can't we have more meadows like this around?


Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Another lifer out of the blue.

Sunday looked like being another quiet day when we got the call that a Bridled Tern had turned up at Saltholme. We drove down and arrived as an expectant crowd had gathered on the main road outside.
I dashed over to manage a quick couple of glimpses of the bird before it flew off to the N.E. and wasn't seen again, unfortunately Sylvia had missed it while she was getting the scope out of the car!!!!
We drove on down into Yorkshire calling in to Woodlands Fishery for Corn Bunting, which are more elusive this year and a trek from here to Wykeham forest to see Turtle Dove which are also keeping distant.
A good day but the Birding is still a struggle these days.................roll on better times.
Corn Bunting

Turtle Dove

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Flowery Times.

Not many bird photos of late but thought I would post some of the flowers we have taken over the past few weeks.  My favourite being the cotton grass which has been excellent this year.
Cotton Grass
Marsh Marigolds
 Bog Iris - Catterick

 Ragged Robin - Smardale Gill

 Rock Rose - Smardale Gill
 Tree Pipit - Smardale Gill
 Green Woodpecker - Smardale Gill

 Juvenile Redstart - Smardale Gill