Found it difficult to get connected to the internet whilst away so will post a few photos now I have returned home. It was a brilliant weeks holiday, met some really friendly people, the guide - Dave Pullan, found us some excellent birds and the weather was excellent. Can thoroughly recommend a holiday with Heatherlea especially for me as I was waited on hand and foot.
My favourite bird was the Crested Tit, although it was difficult to locate but managed it in the end. Next I have to say was the spectacular Capercaille which was brilliant to watch. The only bird we were unable to locate was the Ptarmigan which was not through the lack of trying. We climbed Cairngorm on the Thursday and could not have asked for a better day weather wise, it was actually very warm, especially when you have put so many clothes on thinnking it may be cold. The only bird we did see towards the top was a Ring Ouzle. I can't wait to go back to that area again especially to visit the coastal area of Speyside Bay.
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