It was blowing a gale but the sun was out so went for a visit to Wingate to see if the Marbled White had emerged yet as we had heard nothing about them being seen yet this year. It was a lovely evening but the butterflies were keeping down because of the wind but there were about 6 Marbled Whites where we had seen them last year. Also around in the same area were numerous Meadow Brown and Ringlet, a few Small Heath and 1 Common Blue along with one 5 Spot Burnet Moth. We then had a run to Crimdon to see if the Dotterel was still around but no luck there, we did manage to get some shots of the Little Terns flying around and also shots of another young tern/gull of which we are not sure about, any comments as to what it is would be very welcome.
Hi Mick - Your mystery tern is a juv Sandwich Tern. I haven't seen a Sandwich Tern for over four years so it had me going for a while!
ReplyDeleteThanks for replying. We are coming up to Mull for two weeks on 1st Aug. so may see you around then. Hope to come out on a trip with you and looking to find some adders.