
Green Woodpecker

Pink Footed Geese
It doesn't get any better, the guided walk this morning was wet and cold with very few, if any birds of note about. It was good however to meet new people and although we got wet and cold it was an enjoyable morning. There were 10 Avocet from the bus stop hide, plenty of Shelduck and Redshank and a Pintail in the pools along the Long Drag along with a fox and some Roe Deer.
3 Pink Footed Geese were still in the fields along Belasis Ave.
After drying out at home and doing some shopping the sun eventually came out later in the afternoon so we decided to go for a run out to Osmotherly. We stopped for coffee up by Chequers where we have previously seen a Green Woodpecker and sure enough after a while it appeared. There were lots of Lapwing and Curlew around and a flock of Chaffinch with a Brambling present. Although it was cold it was a lovely end to the day.