Thought we had better report today even though our photographs are not good quality as the light was poor. We had a run over the moors and on to Scaling Dam and Lockwood Beck, it was pretty quiet on the moors with only Red Grouse and one Peregrine size Raptor, which we are unsure about. Scaling Dam was better with a large flock of Greylag on our arrival with one Bean Goose with them. They didn't stay put long before they were off. Lots of Teal with some Widgeon and displaying Goldeneye. At the feeders a G.S. Woodpecker put in an appearance with a Green Woodpecker flying across fields on the other side of the water. Other birds on the feeders included a Willow Tit, lots of Blue Tits along with L.T. Tits, Gt. Tit, Greenfinch, Dunnock , Blackbird and Robin. We also managed to see the Red Crested Pochard at Lockwood Beck on the way back. Our last sighting of the day was our local Buzzard perched in a tree just near Crathorne Village not far from Cleveland.